Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Picnic Tables installed at Ball Bay

Special thanks to Malcolm, Ian, Jasmine, Arthur, Andrew & Mike Johnston who helped manhandle the tables into position. Mike and his building team prepared the concrete pads and fixed the tables into position.

Norfolk Rotary hosts large group of visitors

Thursday 9th Nov we hosted a large group of 18 Rotarians & guests for a BBQ dinner at the Lions Clubhouse at Kingston. Most of our visitors were from the Rotary Club of Alfredton, Victoria, but the group also comprised other Australian clubs and included Past District Governors & Club Presidents.
All in attendance enjoyed an excellent BBQ dinner catered by Jasmine with Peter, Lynlee, Andrew and Ian cooking sausages, rissoles, and chicken kebabs on the BBQ’s.
Following our desert of apple & rhubarb crumble, those present were enthralled by our Guest Speaker Mary-Lou Corcoran. Mary-Lou recently arrived on Island to take up the position of General Manger, Wave Hospitality Norfolk Island. She recounted her very impressive life journey to the present day where she is looking forward to enjoying work and community here on Norfolk Island. Her background in hospitality is extensive, but her resume includes other professional undertakings including a 4-year term as Mayor of Victor Harbour in South Australia. A very enjoyable evening with many favourable comments from our visitors.

Norfolk Island Rotary member Lindsay Ford receives Distinguished Service Award

Congratulations to Norfolk Island Rotary member Lindsay Ford who was awarded the prestigious Rotary International award for Distinguished Service in early November 2023.

Lindsay said “I was very proud to receive on Saturday Night, The Rotary Foundation highest award, Distinguished Service Award, from Past Rotary International President, and current Rotary Foundation Chairman, Barry Rassin.

It was an honour for me, an acknowledgment for my Wife Alison, my Norfolk Island Rotary Club, my Rotary District 9910, and for every person who has supported and walked this Rotary Journey with me.
The Rotary Foundation is by far the most outstanding NGO in the World, giving Hope, opportunities, and changing Lives for so many.
Be guaranteed that 100% of funds raised goes to either Local Projects or in the case of International Projects, 93% goes to the coal face of the Project, unmatched by others.
Rotary is spearheading the eradication of Polio from the word, from 360,000 cases each year, at a high point to now, just 10 worldwide, we are so close.
Thank You, and please support the Rotary Foundation as your charity of choice.”

Norfolk Island Rotary feeds the crowds at Agricultural Show

The hard working Norfolk Island Rotary Club members feeding the masses at the annual Agricultural Show. Well done yorle.

Norfolk Island Rotary turns 50

On 20th September 1973, over 100 visitors from more than 20 Rotary Clubs in Australia, New Zealand and New Caledonia joined 58 Norfolk Island residents at the South Pacifc Hotel on Norfolk Island for the Charter Dinner and associated celebrations of the newly established Rotary Club of Norfolk Island.
The Chartering of the Norfolk Island Rotary Club marked the extension of Rotary International into 150 countries and geographical regions.
On 20th September 2023 we marked the 50th anniversary of this occasion with a dinner at the same venue and visitors from New Zealand and Australia joined us to celebrate 50 years of “service above self” to the Norfolk Island and International communities.
Thank you to JJ for taking these pictures:

Ball Bay Community Picnic Area Project

The Norfolk Island Rotary Club were successful in receiving a Rotary District Grant for a project to create a community picnic area at Ball Bay.
Stage 1, the clearing of woody weeds had been carried out prior to the designated planting day – 19th June 2022 – which was unfortunately postponed due to rain.
On Sunday 3rd July 2022 the Norfolk Island Rotary Club, together with a band of volunteers, got busy and approximately 150 native plants and trees were planted on the hillside and mulch spread.A sausage sizzle and a hot cuppa was then enjoyed by all.

The final stage of this project is the provision of picnic tables and access fencing. We are currently waiting the availability of materials and hope to have this project complete over the coming weeks.

Working Bee

We kicked off the month with a Working Bee at our local School, clearing gum trees to make way for more parking spaces for the Teachers and Students. Thank you to everyone that lent a helping hand as well as those who allowed us to use their equipment for the day. We may be a small club but we are grateful for the support we have from friends and families during projects as such.

Governor Nominee 2022-23

District Governer Ian Kiernan and wife Jasmine are pleased to advise that Matthew McLeod from The Rotary Club of Henderson has been appointed as Governor Nominee for the Rotary Year 2022-2023. Matthew has been a committed and active Rotarian since joining in 2008 and has held roles at both club and district level. He is currently the D9910 Membership Lead and spearheaded the satellite club format within the district. Ian & Jasmine fully endorse Matthew’s appointment and look forward to the energy and enthusiasm he will bring to the role.
Please join Ian and Jasmine in congratulating Matthew on his selection.

Virtual Changeover

Watch the Live Stream for the Rotary District 9910 Governor changeover on Sunday 28 June 2020 from 10:30am ????
???? Each July 1st brings with it a new Rotary year and to prepare for the new Rotary year, District Governor Ian Kiernan will be virtually handing over the chains to incoming Governor-Elect Elaine Mead ???? Join us on Sunday to thank Governor Ian for his service this Rotary year while welcoming Governor-Elect Elaine for the new Rotary year.

Norfolk Island Rotary Farewells Bernie

The Norfolk Island Rotary Club recently bid farewell to one of its pioneer members, Bernie Christian- Bailey. Bernie held various positions within the club, eventually taking on the Presidents role in 1986/1987. His contribution and dedication to the club was enormous. One of his many projects included the restoration of the Flagstaff walking track in 2004 which has been enjoyed by locals and visitors alike over the years. It was appropriate that the first sod was turned by Bernie who proposed the Project in his capacity as the Community Service Director.
Rest Well Bernie!
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